How I’m Breaking The Mold

I was born with a tenacious spirit. A spirit that drove me to accomplish a mix of both remarkable and ridiculous things. Everyone should be able to sing the alphabet backward and read the Harry Potter Series in 5 days, right? From the beginning, I was always chasing something one step out of what I…

Oh, hey, it’s been a while.

I’m sure it won’t surprise any of you to know I’ve been bogged down with the responsibilities of growing up and growing old. Work, taxes, feeding myself nutritionally balanced meals, exercising as a hobby, traveling to see and maintain long-distance friendships, moving, becoming a pet parent, exploring careers and jobs, and reading a crap ton…

Movers, Shakers, and Culture Makers…

I’ve been reading “Every Tool’s A Hammer” by Adam Savage and I love the way he talks about creators. He so boldly declares that the magic of the creators is in making, shaping, and developing culture. Our power lies in being the change, starting the movements, knocking over the first domino. As this year comes to…

It’s hard to hustle hard.

We face a lot of distractions every day. There are a lot of things that aim to take our attention away from the things that matter. Technology is the main one. However, when all we do is hustle it’s hard to rest well, to slow down, and to really enjoy the life we have to…

Thinking about who you’re becoming is never a waste of time.

This one I just recently wrote about for Ama La Vida. “Legacy is one of those weird things because we don’t have to think about it every day, but to achieve a legacy that impacts people you have to put some thought or intention into it. What makes legacy even harder is that once you…